Firstly may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Prosperous and Happy New Year for 2024!

I am now heading into my third year of running RHL Business Vision and I just want to thank everyone for your ongoing support and valued trust in my products and services.

I wanted to give you some real highlights of last year for both me and RHL Business Vision.


CLIENT Highlights

  • Working closely with Weydon School and associated academies printing everything from
    flyers and brochures to their prospectus, reports, roller banners as well as flyers and cards.
  • Working with various local Sports clubs helping raise money through sponsorship banners.
  • Stand panels, literature and give aways for several companies for local Exhibitions.
  • Working closely with The Massage Company to provide banners, counter stands and various
    items of print as well as Involvement with the Wellness Expo.
  • Various print projects for Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic.
  • Many embroidered and printed workwear orders in particular for Protectcare and
    Houseworks Ltd as well as The Surrey Business Expo and “The Hope Club”
  • Lots of new clients including Stephens industries, Amber Wellbeing, the Content
    Consultancy, Goldtech care Services, Healthy Home & Office, Guildford Fringe and Surrey
  • Launching my 2 new sub brands “Print 4 Good” and “Just for YOU”

Working with CHARITIES

  • Working with several new charities including “DogsnHomes” and “Ref Support UK” printing
    calendars to help in raising money for their amazing great causes.
  • Workwear for “the Hope Club” in Camberley.
  • Continue working with The Community Matters Project, both for various print and workwear
    projects as well as helping with their Annual Twilight Runway Challenge.
  • Helping with events for The Royal Surrey NHS Trust and Topic of Cancer.


  • Exhibiting at The Surrey Expo.
  • Building many new relationship within my wonderful networking community at Ribbons,
    Connect Surrey, OMNI and Reccobiz.
  • Continue to Help run Woking Connections with Paul Bridgeland and setting up Reccobiz
    North Hampshire with Camilla Medcalf.
    Part of The Content Consultancy.


  • Continuing the great relationship with Abstract Creative with whom I have a great
    partnership for design and print!
  • Working with a great many suppliers whom I trust and rely on to provide me a great service!
  • Setting up other collaborations with Wynn Creative and TBB designs

NEW for 2024

I am launching various bundle options to help businesses promote their business in various ways at
affordable prices!

I have a bundle for Workwear, for Start Up Businesses and an Expo package and although I have put
together the following options I am always happy to mix and match to meet the needs of my clients

The Workwear Bundle – Sole Trader
2 x Polo Shirts
2 x hoodies
1 x Fleece
1 x Gillet
£115 + vat

The Workwear Bundle – Small Business
5 x Polo Shirts
5 x Hoodies
5 x Fleeces
5 x Gillets
£315 + vat

Business Start-Up Bundle
1 x Roller Banner
100 x d/sided business cards printed on a 450gsm stock and laminated
250 x A5 d/s leaflets printed o a 250gsm silk stock
£150 + vat

Events and Exhibitions Bundle
1 x Roller Banner
Pop Up Counter top stand
250 x d/sided leaflets printed on a 250gsm silk stock
250 x printed pens or similar give away
£325 + vat


Finally I would like to ask you to come and see me at The Surrey Expo on
March 27 th This year – Stand 190

Don’t forget that you can always look at my website which I update regularly
and I would also appreciate if you could leave me a review!!


In the meantime thank you again for your business and support and please let
me know if I can help you with any print or design requirements to help grow
your business and ensure you are constantly promoting your brand!

Jane Redhead-Loughe
RHL Business Vision
07931 307156